Judith & David
Judith & David

We moved to Indianola with our two sons, Devin and Sam, in 1991 to break ground as part of the creation of this intentional community. At the time, we were both active in grass roots organizing and deeply concerned about the political climate and the state of the world. We decided that should the shit hit the fan, community was where we wanted to be. What mattered most to us was to have a place of belonging and safety, where we could help one another raise our children, have a garden, steward the land and share resources. This original vision was a good idea that still holds true today.
There is such beauty and meaning found in the nooks and crannies of this sometimes pressure cooker of relationships. Living over time in community continues to grow a visceral sense of inclusiveness and valuing of what everyone brings to the circle. These essentials, we believe, are the kind of skills needed to build a healthier world for generations to come.
Devin and Sam continue the vision, growing community just five miles down the road with their wives, Robin and Alex, and a few others.

We share lessons and practices gleaned from living in Community around the world through our organization, Liminal Somatics.
David’s goldsmith’s shop is at our home.
Judith’s commercial kitchen is in our home where she makes her artisan breads and cheeses, has an Underground Café, a catering business and Connective Culinary Arts classes.
We love music….